Community organisations have created 'group playlists' to get people talking about music and memories.
As part of our National Playlist Day campaign in September, we encouraged our Help Point Network, which includes libraries, art clubs and support groups for older people, to create a playlist that was made from the songs that soundtrack attendees’ lives.
The aim of this activity was to encourage conversations about songs that are personally meaningful and help people connect through music.

A shared experience for everyone
What the community groups had to say:
Members have shared a diverse range of songs for their group playlist including "Zippity Doo Dah" by James Baskett (memories of the film Song of the South) and "Shenandoah", from the film of the same name, (memories of an Uncle). "Whisky in the afternoon" reminded one gentleman of how it would make his wife smile when he visited her in her care home. It was great to hear about why they chose specific songs.
Ryan Gorman, Information Development Worker at Ceartas, East Dunbartonshire
The 'group playlist' enhances other person-centred approaches we use to provide a happy, calm, welcoming environment for participants to be creative, share stories, forge friendships and experience a sense of belonging. Our participants really enjoy listening to the music and often sing-a-long as they paint. On occasions it moves some to get up and have a wee dance! We have come to recognise how invaluable the personalised playlist can be when it comes to some of our participants. For one gentleman, listening to certain songs at the start of each session has greatly reduced his anxiety allowing him to relax and settle quickly whilst also helping him to concentrate on the task at hand and enjoy being creative. For others, it evokes memories and promotes conversation between them and our volunteers, helping volunteers to get to know them better. This is particularly useful when someone new joins our session.
Liz Wilson, Volunteer, Crossreach Heart for Art, Dunfermline Abbey
Left: a musical memories in group in Kinlochleven. Right: Jo Cowan, HSCN co-ordinator.
Group playlists in action
Jo Cowan, co-ordinator at Help Point partner organisation Highland Senior Citizens Network, hosted a special National Playlist Day themed show on Nevis Radio on Friday 20th September. Jo partnered with Kinlochleven Community Library which ran a ‘musical memories’ session and gathered songs and memories from attendees to be played on the show. Furthermore, library staff across Lochaber and local Alzheimer Scotland staff also contributed songs and talked about the support their organisations offer locally. Listen to the show on Mixcloud.
East Dunbartonshire Libraries partnered with Maggie’s Line Dancing to host two events in Milngavie and Bearsden, creating a country-themed playlist with songs chosen by attendees which featured classic including Achy Breaky Heart and 9 to 5.
Springboard Oldham Dementia Carers has encouraged their members to make personal playlists and have collected members’ special songs together into a Spotify playlist. Oxfordshire Libraries staff created a group playlist of their own songs and memories, and shared their choices on social media to raise awareness of National Playlist Day.
Listen to the group playlists our Help Point Partners created!
If you are part of a community group or organisation and would like to support people living with dementia, learn more about joining our Help Point network.