A personal playlist can include songs from special celebrations and songs rooted in our culture.
For Chinese New Year, Playlist for Life volunteer Xiaoxiao curates a special playlist and shares the meaning behind the music.

Musical Memoirs of Homecoming:
Curating the Playlist for Chinese New Year
Written in English and Simplified Mandarin by Xiaoxiao Hou for Playlist for Life
新年好!我叫筱潇,作为一名中国音乐学家,我很荣幸能与您分享中国新年的喜庆氛围和音乐的重要作用。今年是龙年,根据十二生肖,龙年每12年到来一次。 龙年的出生的年份是1928、1940、1952、1964、1976、1988、2000, 2012, 2024. 在传统习俗中,本命年时,汉族北方各地,不论大人小孩都要买红腰带系上, 有的会穿红色的袜子和内裤,寓意着带来幸运。龙在中国的文化历史中被视为吉祥的象征,预示着幸运和繁荣。在这一年,人们期待着好运和成功。
Happy New Year! My name is Xiaoxiao, and as a Chinese musicologist, I am honoured to share with you the festive atmosphere of the Chinese New Year and the significant role of music in this celebration. This year marks the Year of the Dragon, which arrives every 12 years according to the Chinese zodiac. The birth years of the Dragon include 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, and 2024. In traditional customs, regardless of age, people in various northern regions of China, will wear red belts in their zodiac year, and some may even wear red socks and undergarments as symbols of good fortune. The dragon holds a symbol of auspiciousness in Chinese cultural history, symbolizing luck and prosperity. In this year, people anticipate good luck and success.
The Chinese New Year typically spans 15 days, sharing some similarities with Western Christmas. Just like Christmas, the Chinese New Year is a nationwide celebration where people prepare in advance, and every household is busy getting ready to welcome this important holiday. In China, the celebration usually begins on the twenty-third day of the lunar month and lasts until the fifteenth day of the first month, known as the Lantern Festival. During this period, various activities take place, including pasting couplets, setting off firecrackers, cleaning, buying New Year goods, and more, resembling the lively and bustling preparations before Western Christmas.
在英国,华人的春节庆祝活动通常以城市为主,特别是在中国城,会有舞龙舞狮、传统音乐表演、小吃摊位以及文化活动等。这些活动吸引了大批华人和当地居民前来观赏和参与,营造出热闹喜庆的氛围,让人们感受到家乡的节日气氛和文化传统。而在中国,春节庆祝活动则更多以家庭为单元,人们通常会在家中与家人团聚,共享丰盛的晚餐,亲手制作美食,参与各种传统的庆祝活动,如贴春联、包饺子等。这些庆祝活动强调了家庭团聚和亲情的重要性,让人们感受到温馨和幸福。中国人在除夕这一天,家人会聚在一起享受丰盛的团圆饭,类似于西方的圣诞大餐。通常会准时守在电视机旁, 等着八点钟的全球直播的春节晚会,这是一项传统的活动,也是家庭团聚的重要方式之一。包饺子、吃饺子则是一种象征着团圆和美好的习俗,通过制作和分享美食,人们表达对新一年的美好祝愿和期待。
In the UK, Chinese New Year celebrations among the Chinese community are primarily city-cantered, especially in Chinatowns, featuring dragon and lion dances, traditional music performances, food stalls, and cultural activities. These events attract many Chinese and local residents to participate, creating a lively and festive atmosphere, allowing people to experience the festive atmosphere and cultural traditions of their hometown. In China, however, the Chinese New Year celebrations are more family-oriented. People usually gather at home with their families to enjoy a sumptuous dinner, make traditional foods by hand, and participate in various traditional activities such as pasting couplets and making dumplings. These celebrations emphasize the importance of family reunion and affection, bringing warmth and happiness to everyone. On New Year’s Eve, families gather to enjoy a sumptuous reunion dinner, similar to the Christmas feast in the West. They usually gather around the television, waiting for the annual Spring Festival Gala broadcast at eight o’clock, which is a traditional activity and an important way for family reunions. Making and eating dumplings symbolize reunion and happiness, expressing good wishes and expectations for the new year.
During the Chinese New Year, people often listen to music with a festive atmosphere, such as traditional songs like “Bless You“, “Congratulations and Prosperity“, “Good Luck Comes“, as well as some modern New Year music.
Music plays an important role in family gatherings and community celebrations, enhancing the festive atmosphere and bringing joy and happiness to people.
The music in Chinese New Year celebrations varies in different regions. For example, celebratory music in northern regions may be more lively and cheerful, while music in southern regions may be softer and more tender, reflecting the characteristics of different regional cultures.
When it comes to music and New Year songs in different regions, each region has its unique style and instrumentation, but they all reflect a joyful, peaceful, and festive atmosphere. In northern regions, New Year songs usually have melodious melodies and cheerful rhythms, with common instruments such as erhu, flute, and drums. These songs are often simple and enthusiastic, evoking warmth and festivity. In southern regions, New Year songs may be softer and more tender, with beautiful and touching melodies and diverse instrumentation. In addition to traditional folk instruments, some modern instruments such as piano and violin may also be included, making the music more colourful. These songs often have strong local characteristics, evoking the warmth and tenderness of hometown.
在英国, 大部分的华人第一语言是粤语,所以我们在中国餐厅和超市听到来自广东香港地区的音乐。粤语春节庆典的歌曲通常具有独特的风格和节奏,反映了广东地区的文化特色和人们对新年的期盼和祝福。这些歌曲常常充满了活力和喜庆,旋律轻快动人,歌词内容通常表达了对家人团聚、幸福安康的美好祝愿。配器方面,常见的有二胡、琵琶、古筝等传统民族乐器,以及现代乐器如电子合成器、鼓组等,使音乐更加富有层次和活力。
In the UK, since the primary language of most Chinese people is Cantonese, we often hear music from the Guangdong and Hong Kong regions in Chinese restaurants and supermarkets. Cantonese New Year celebration songs usually have unique styles and rhythms, reflecting the cultural characteristics of the Guangdong region and people’s anticipation and blessings for the New Year. These songs are often lively and festive, with lively and catchy melodies, and the lyrics usually express good wishes for family reunion and well-being. In terms of instrumentation, common instruments include erhu, pipa, guzheng, as well as modern instruments such as synthesizers and drum sets, making the music more layered and vibrant.
我最喜欢的曲子是李焕之的《春节序曲》。这首管弦乐作品是中国现代音乐的经典之作,也是中国新年庆典中不可或缺的音乐之一。这首序曲创作于20世纪50年代,是为了庆祝中国春节而创作的,以表达人们对新年的喜庆和期待。李焕之通过这首曲子,展现了对祖国和人民的深情厚意,同时也融入了西方交响音乐的风格,使得这首曲子更加富有国际化的魅力。 《春节序曲》分为几个章节,每个章节都表达了不同的情绪和场景。开篇的部分展现了春节来临前的喧嚣与热闹,象征着人们对新年到来的期待和兴奋。接着是节奏欢快的中段,表达了庆祝和欢乐的氛围,让人感受到节日的喜庆和活力。而曲子的高潮部分则展现了对美好未来的向往和憧憬,让人感受到新年带来的希望和动力。
My favourite piece is Li Huanzhi’s “Spring Festival Overture“. This orchestral work is a classic of modern Chinese music and an indispensable part of Chinese New Year celebrations. This overture was created in the 1950s to celebrate the Chinese New Year, expressing people’s joy and expectations for the new year. Through this piece, Li Huanzhi showed deep affection for the motherland and the people, while also incorporating elements of Western symphonic music, making this piece more internationally appealing. The “Spring Festival Overture” is divided into several sections, each expressing different emotions and scenes. The opening part depicts the hustle and bustle before the Spring Festival, symbolizing people’s anticipation and excitement for the arrival of the New Year. The lively middle section expresses the atmosphere of celebration and joy, allowing people to feel the festivity and vitality of the festival. The climax of the piece reflects the longing and anticipation for a better future, conveying the hope and motivation brought by the New Year.
这首曲子既有中国传统民族乐器版本,也有西洋乐器版本。它总是让我想起家的感觉,因为我爸爸的手机铃声就是这首曲子 (在上面这个版本里从2:06 开始的片段)。每当听到它,我就仿佛置身于家的温馨氛围中,感受到家人的关爱和温暖。
This piece has both a version with traditional Chinese folk instruments and a version with Western instruments. It always reminds me of home, as my father’s ringtone is this piece (starting from the 2:06 mark in the version linked above). Whenever I hear it, I feel like I am surrounded by the warm atmosphere of home, feeling the love and warmth of family.
No matter where we are, we all long to return home, reunite with our families, enjoy a sumptuous dinner together, and watch the global broadcast of the Chinese New Year Gala. This is not only a tradition but also a deep emotional connection, allowing people to feel the warmth of home and the importance of family affection. Through music and festival activities, people can express their longing and love for their families and hometowns, welcoming the arrival of the new year together.
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