Learn how to make a personal playlist for yourself or a loved one
This short webinar is for people who would like to know how personal music could help them or their loved one live well with dementia.

Who should attend?
This webinar is for people living with dementia and any family members or friends who support a person living with dementia. There are only 10 places on each of these webinars so please only book a place if you fall into this category.
If you are a staff member or volunteer for a community organisation supporting people affected by dementia, please come along to our Help Point drop in. If you are not a registered Help Point, find out more here.
If you work in healthcare or social care please book on to our Introduction for care professionals webinar.

What will the session cover?
- How music can help someone live well with dementia
- How to use Music Detective skills to track down the best music for a personalised playlist, and how this can open up conversations
- Ways to listen to the personalised playlist – absolutely no technology experience required!
- A chance to share your own personally meaningful music
This is a free webinar.
This 45 minute webinar takes place on the video conferencing app Zoom. Each session has a maximum of 10 participants and you will have the option to stay on for a 15 minute discussion at the end to ask any questions you might have or to share your own experiences.
We welcome the use of communication support cards. You will receive the joining instructions in a confirmation email. You will also receive a reminder the day before the event.