Bringing people affected by dementia together to socialise and enjoy singing familiar tunes, Come and Sing Lenzie have been a Playlist for Life Help Point partner since 2018.
On Tuesday 19 September 2023, the day before National Playlist Day, the group held a lively Musical Tea at their venue, Lenzie Old Parish Church. Cakes and tea were provided by volunteers and music came courtesy of The Happy Songsters and the Come and Sing team, who regularly sing in care homes. Attendees were encouraged to share a favourite song and memory from their playlist and everyone got involved singing along to familiar favourites such as You Are My Sunshine, Happiness and Save the Last Dance for Me.
The event helped raise £100 which was presented to Playlist for Life as a donation to help us keep our printed resources free to groups like Come and Sing Lenzie to share with the people they support.

“We had a wonderful fundraising Afternoon Tea Party at our Come and Sing Group, Lenzie. We had some lovely home baking, tea and coffee and lots of chatting, followed up with a fantastic Singalong with the Happy Songsters. It is important to us to continue to inform our group about the amazing benefits of personal Playlists for everyone not just those with dementia. It was lovely that Pam (from Playlist for Life) was able to come along and join us and chat with many people who attended on the day, old and new members."
Maureen Meredith, Come and Sing Lenzie.
About Come and Sing Lenzie
Come and Sing Lenzie is a dementia friendly entertainment group run by volunteers each fortnight and attended by people living with dementia, family members and residents from local care homes in East Dunbartonshire. The group was started by Lorna Hall and the Rev. Louise McClement to fill a void in support they felt existed within the local community and surrounding area. It has grown over the years and now has 60-70 people who regularly attend and is supported by a team of volunteers who welcome and look after everyone. The singers are accompanied by retired music teacher Lynett Seggie who plays piano.
If your community organisation would like to host a Musical Tea, more information and free resources are available here.